The 1st Battery Sustainability Workshop (2022)

Our two-day workshop triggered wide interest in EV, battery, renewable energy, consumer electronics, and materials companies. Over 50 representatives from 20 companies, 2 national labs (National Renewable Energy Lab & Ork Ridge National Lab), 2 federal agencies (NASA & DOT), and 7 universities participated in this meeting. The registered companies included A123, Apple, AVL, Cummins, Exponent, Factorial Energy, FM Global, Hyundai, Lithios, Medtronic, Murata, Porsche/VW, Rogers, Saint-Gobain, Shell, Toyota, and TRI. 

Day 1 (Nov 2): Info Session of CBS @ Cabral Center, Northeastern University

Vision for the Center for Battery Sustainability:
From Electrochemical Science to Industrial Solutions for an Electrified Future

By Prof. Martin Z. Bazant, the Director of CBS

Machine Learning-Based Lifetime Prediction and Charging Optimization of Lithium-Ion Batteries

By Prof. Richard D. Braatz, MIT

Establishing the Electro-Chemo-Mechanics Lab at Northeastern for Battery Assessment & Reliability Research 

By Prof. Juner Zhu, Northeastern University

Day 2 (Nov 3): Industrial Battery Mechanics Symposium - Honoring The Contributions of Prof. Tom Wierzbicki @ Alumni Center, Northeastern University

Tom Wierzbicki: Challenges of Battery Mechanics in Industrial Environment
Juner Zhu: Our Solutions to the Battery Mechanics Challenges: A Historical Overview

Dr. Wei Li, the Designer of Our Two Generations of Models

Lunchtime Mixer between Students &Industry


1st Battery Sustainability Workshop

Day 1 (Nov 2): Info Session of CBS @ Cabral Center, Northeastern University

Day 2 (Nov 3): Battery Mechanics Symposium @ Alumni Center, Northeastern University